Based in Helsinki, Finland
Release date:
Steam Early Access: 12.11.2020 / Nintendo Switch 28.08.2019
Nintendo Switch
Regular Price:
USD | $3.99 |
EUR | 3.99€ |
GBP | £2.89 |
Coming to Steam Early Access November 12th!
Boreal Blade is a team-based melee fighting game with a focus on player vs player combat and gameplay consisting of both reactive and proactive elements. The game features various weapon types and four distinctive fighting styles, allowing you to choose between two-handed weapons, a shield and a weapon combo, or long thrusting weapons like spears and pikes. Weapons can even be thrown at the enemy! Three armour classes with their strengths and weaknesses are also included to guarantee a varied, everchanging fighting experience.
Boreal Blade strikes an excellent balance between realism and gameplay. The game turns away from the rock-paper-scissors approach where weapons and shields matter only when the player presses the corresponding button to use them for attacking or blocking. Actually, there is no block button at all, but the passive blocking featured in the game allows players to block attacks by simply positioning themselves wisely and timing their attacks with care. Pre-determined attack key combinations and complex counter moves have been abandoned in favour of the beautiful simplicity of only a single attack button - and hundreds of ways to variate every attack. Players can move their weapon and character around freely, turning an attack into a block - and back to another attack just in a blink of an eye. Strikes and blocks meld into a seamless continuity. By combining various offensive and defensive fighting elements – dashes, dodges, sprints, feint attacks to name but a few – players are free to develop their own fighting styles and signature moves.
They have a saying in Norvalg: Fight for a cause worth dying for.
A noble sentiment, but what happens when almost every cause is good enough to die for? Whenever a decision needs to be made – whether it is about heading to war or determining where the cheese should go in a sandwich – fierce Norvalgian warriors gather in their famous debating arenas, pray for strength from their gods and fight until the truth is uncovered. Are you ready to join the battle?
Eager players are welcome to join the closed Steam beta via the Boreal Blade Discord server: discord.gg/borealblade
For more information, please visit https://www.borealblade.com
- Reactionary and tactical gameplay: Complete freedom of attack and block direction performed with simple controls, allowing players to concentrate on their battle tactics and series of manoeuvres and to control the flow of the battle. There are hundreds of ways to variate attacks and players have complete freedom to move the weapon and player character around, encouraging them to experiment and find the fighting style that suits them best.
- Four multiplayer game modes: Players can charge into combat together with their clanmate warriors in Team Deathmatch and Boreal Battle modes where two teams go up against each other. Boreal Claim mode consists of two teams who take turns attacking or defending a banner against the other team. In Deathmatch it is everyone for themselves – the first warrior to amass 20 kills wins!
- Four different fighting styles: Hundreds of weapons, shields, pieces of armour and battle items for developing customized fighting styles and battle tactics.
- Detailed character creation and game world: Create your own warrior and choose their equipment, accessories and weapons and customise their appearance with jewellery, facial hair and armour dyes. Explore the different fighting arenas across the Nordic Mythology inspired, paintinglike Norvalg.
Boreal Blade - Steam Early Access Trailer YouTube, Download (.zip)
Boreal Blade - Announcement Trailer YouTube, Download (.zip)
Logo & Icon
Additional Links
Boreal Blade Website
Boreal Blade Discord
Boreal Blade on Reddit
Boreal Blade on Twitter
Boreal Blade on Facebook
About Frozenbyte
Frozenbyte is an independent game developer with a focus on game quality. All Frozenbyte games are based on own IP. Original titles include the critically acclaimed Trine series.
Frozenbyte has developed games for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S/X,
Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS.
Current projects: Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy and Starbase
More information
More information on Frozenbyte, our logo & relevant media are available here.
press (at) frozenbyte dot com
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks